31 jan 2011

Waar is Waldo?!

Where is Wally? But really, where is he? Can't seem to find him. This could be a nice idea to use on wallpaper. I am trying to find a solution for an 'interactive' wallpaper and this might be it. ('Waar is Wally : Op ontdekkingsreis' Martin Handford)

30 jan 2011

Searching for a story

Interview with Jens Oris from Bar Choq. Absurdity sometimes leads to something interesting. That is why before creating the wallpaper an interview like this can be helpful.

28 jan 2011


Starting sketching in an empty sketchbook is not easy! So here I go, trying to sketch every day in front of the tv.

28 jan 2011

M.C. Escher

25 jan 2011

Anni Albers 1928. Even the simplest square patterns are made with a lot of thought. ('Die textielwerkstatt am bauhaus')

25 jan 2011

Otti Berger 1929, Max Pfeiffer Watenphul 1921. Fascinating to see how much research these designers make before producing a piece of work. Many sketches testing different color compositions illustrate this very well. ('Die textielwerkstatt am bauhaus')

25 jan 2011

Textile-designer Gunta Stölzl for Bauhaus 1928. ('Bauhaus-textilien' Sigrid Wortman Weltge)

25 jan 2011

A hanging bicycle is a great example of what Jens wants for his wallpaper. Something unexpected. Abstract. Playful. Bold.

25 jan 2011

The very first

Bar Choq. The very first place I will design a wallpaper for in Antwerp. Except for the nice coffee and oh so tasty hot chocolate with brownies this small cozy cafe offers a wonderful atmosphere. You can pop by for a cup of tasty goodness and have a look at the many books and magazines laying around or just to have a chat with Jens the owner. A wonderful break.

24 jan 2011

Great use of color. Found on Oh Joy.

24 jan 2011


I could photograph every page from this amazing book. The rich japanese culture and their very specific drawing-style is quite impressive to say the least. ('L'estampe Japonaise' Nelly Delay)

24 jan 2011

These japanese erotic drawings are amongst the most famous ones. (1788) These drawings were made in a time of famine but great liberty. I am intrigued by their use of print on fabric. There is a clear evolution to be seen in the use of fabrics in these kind of drawings; stepping away from the very traditional all covering clothing and choosing for lighter fabrics (f.e. silk) sometimes even transparent ones. ('L'estampe Japonaise' Lenny Delay)

23 jan 2011

Larry Poons

23 jan 2011

'The Bobbsey Twins' (1941)

22 jan 2011

A moment of your time

The art of drowning
Making it better
The deep

22 jan 2011


For the anniversary of the School of Art and Design in Helsinki (TaiK) which was founded in 1871 a big exhibition was organized with all of the great projects made over the years from students at the school. The airplanes we made for Blue1 were represented by a miniature version of 'Blue Flow'.

22 jan 2011

all dried up

Thank you Joyce, Jan Dirk and Maria.

22 jan 2011

An amazing performance on the night of the book-launch by Olgar. With Stefan Schäfer on the overhead projector and Christoph Scherbaum on guitar and effects. Do you recognize a certain wallpaper on the background?

21 jan 2011

vintage patterns

I like it all! The colors, the shape and the fact that it is old. What a great cake-tin found by Gena Loves Vintage.

21 jan 2011

New discovery

On Drawger you can find many patterns used on the first pages of old books. I absolutely love it when you open a book and it starts like this. It ads so much to the feel of the book. ('Dutch treat club 1924', '-1956')

21 jan 2011

This is how we used the sheets printed with yellow leaves.

21 jan 2011

These 8 little books are part of the 'Parked car project'. You can buy them from Extrapool or read more about it on their website. The illustrations inside are stencil printed and therefor very bright in color. They are all hand sown with matching colors which ads a lil' something something to it. If you ask nicely you'll even get them wrapped up in the nicest wrapping paper ever.

20 jan 2011


Still very wet and bright. The glue still needs to dry but it will be good enough for tonight's book party! I am very pleased with the effect! Almost like a little doll's house.